Get Your Numbers Right



Rounds a number up to the next even integer, with up to 32,767 significant digits of precision.



num Required. The number to be rounded up to the next even integer.
round_neg_toward_zero Optional. Rounds negatives toward zero, instead of away from zero. False by default.
format_negative Optional. Determines whether negatives are formatted with a leading hyphen ("-"), or parentheses ("()"). Set to 1 to format negatives with a leading hyphen. Set to 2 for parentheses. 1 by default.

You can also format negatives with a red font.

format_thousands Optional. Determines whether thousands separators are included. Set to TRUE to include thousands separators. FALSE by default.
format_currency Optional. Determines whether currency symbol is included. Set to TRUE to include currency symbol. The currency symbol will be added either to the beginning or to the end of the result, whichever is appropriate for the locale. FALSE by default.
exponential_notation Optional. Determines whether result is formatted in exponential notation. Set to TRUE to format in exponential notation. FALSE by default.



Formula Description Result
=xlpEVEN(2.5) 2.5 rounded up to the next even integer. 4
=xlpEVEN(-2.5) -2.5 rounded up to the next even integer. -4
=xlpEVEN(-2.5,TRUE) -2.5 rounded up to the next even integer, with negatives rounded toward zero. -2

See Also
