


World's Easiest Introduction to
PrecisionCalc Workbench


PrecisionCalc Workbench is three Excel add-ins to help you make better spreadsheets:


The Formulator

The better you get at writing Excel formulas, the longer your formulas get. The longer your formulas get, the harder they are to read, edit, and maintain.

The Formulator effortlessly formats your formulas in the formula bar to make them easier to read and edit.

How does it do that? By indenting and separating function arguments, making complex formula logic easier to follow.

Amaze your colleagues and clients by easily editing gigantic formulas that, to them, look all but impenetrable.

The Formulator works with ANY language and ANY font.

Find out more about The Formulator.


If you enter 123456789123456789 in a cell in Excel, Excel changes it to 123456789123456000! Why does it do that?

You could enter it as text to preserve all the digits, but what happens when you try to do any math with that number-entered-as-text? Excel treats it as if it were 123456789123456000, not 123456789123456789. Just try adding zero to it -- Excel returns 123456789123456000!

If you add 1000000000 to 0.0000000001 in Excel, Excel returns 1000000000, not 1000000000.0000000001! Why does it do that, and what can you do about it?

If you subtract 1000 from 1000.8 in Excel, you get 0.8. So far, so good. But if you check whether that's equal to 0.8, Excel returns FALSE! Why does it do that, and what can you do about it?

If you divide 1E-307 by 10, Excel returns 0.00E+00, indicating that it considers 1E-308 (and anything smaller) to be exactly equal to 0! Why does it do that, and what can you do about it?

If you multiply 9E+307 (or anything larger) by 10, Excel returns the error "#NUM!"! Why does it do that, and what can you do about it?

Here's what you can do about it:  Use xlPrecision's high-precision functions to work with numbers that are far too long, tiny, or huge for Excel to understand without xlPrecision.

Find out more about xlPrecision.

Find out what people are saying about xlPrecision.

inspector text

Excel has a few worksheet functions to do very simple text manipulation: LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, SEARCH, REPLACE, and SUBSTITUTE. They're fine as far as they go, but it only takes about 5 minutes to outgrow them and need more powerful text-manipulation tools in your formulas.

inspector text adds extremely powerful worksheet functions for manipulating and working with text in formulas, allowing you to specify text you want to find or replace with almost unlimited flexibility and versatility, and in extreme detail.

inspector text also adds fuzzy matching functions to use in your worksheet formulas to determine whether the text in two cells are similar, and exactly how similar they are, or find the characters they have in common.

And that's not all inspector text does. Find out more about inspector text.

Find out what people are saying about inspector text.



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