Get Your Numbers Right
Using xlPrecision In Your
Programming Code
Visual Basic Projects, Excel VBA Macros,
Access VBA Macros, Etc.
You can use xlPrecision in your programming code, such as Visual Basic projects, Excel VBA macros, Access VBA macros, Word VBA macros, any other application's VBA macros, or from any other code that can call a COM (ActiveX, OLE) server.
As a developer, you can freely distribute the free edition of xlPrecision to your users. However, if you want to distribute a paid edition of xlPrecision to your users, you must buy a distribution license to do so.
Here's an example:
Dim oXlp As Object
Dim strRet as String
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
strRet = oXlp.xlpDIVIDE(67,89,,,,,50) 'Divides 67 by 89, with Max
SD of 50.
Debug.Print strRet
Set oXlp = Nothing
Early Binding
Alternatively, if you prefer Early Binding, you could set a reference (in
Excel's VBE, choose Tools | References) to xlPrecision, and do this:
Dim oXlp As xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision
Dim strRet as String
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
strRet = oXlp.xlpDIVIDE(67,89,,,,,50) 'Divides 67 by 89, with Max
SD of 50.
Debug.Print strRet
Set oXlp = Nothing
Note that Early Binding probably won't be a major advantage with the kind of work xlPrecision does, and it may require removing and recreating the reference when new versions of xlPrecision are installed in the future.
Change the global Max SD
Instead of setting the Max SD (maximum significant digits) on each xlPrecision line with the maximum_signficant_digits parameter as in the above examples, you may prefer to set the global Max SD in VBA just as you can manually in the About box. To set the global Max SD in VBA, use the MaxSD property. The MaxSD property is read/write. It has the same effect as setting Max SD manually in the About box except that naturally it doesn't have the option to recalculate all the worksheet formulas (you can do that separately in VBA if you want to).
Sample code using the MaxSD property:
Dim oXlp As Object
Dim strRet As String
Dim iOldMaxSD As Long
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
iOldMaxSD = oXlp.MaxSD 'Optional. Stores the Max SD setting
in iOldMaxSD before changing it.
oXlp.MaxSD = 50 'Sets the global max SD.
strRet = oXlp.xlpDIVIDE(67, 89) 'Divides 67 by 89, using the global
Max SD.
Debug.Print strRet
Debug.Print oXlp.MaxSD 'returns (reads) the Max SD.
oXlp.MaxSD = iOldMaxSD 'Optional. Restores the old Max SD
Set oXlp = Nothing
Arguments that must be passed as arrays
Some arguments in some xlPrecision functions must be passed as arrays when used in programming code. For example:
Dim oXlp As Object
Dim strRet as String
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
strRet = oXlp.xlpAVERAGE(Array(67,89))
Debug.Print strRet
Set oXlp = Nothing
Alternatively, to pass in an Excel worksheet range of cells, convert the Range object to an array of Variants:
Dim oXlp As Object
Dim strRet as String
Dim rgRange As Range
Dim vArray() As Variant
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
Set rgRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")
vArray = rgRange
strRet = oXlp.xlpAVERAGE(vArray)
Debug.Print strRet
Set oXlp = Nothing
The affected xlPrecision functions are:
xlpLARGE (numlist argument)
xlpRANK (numlist argument)
xlpSMALL (numlist argument)
xlpSORT (numlist argument)
Example using Microsoft Word
This example enters the result in a Word document and saves it as plain text:
Dim oXlp As Object, oWord As Object,
oDoc As Object
Dim strRet As String, strSavePath As String
Set oXlp = CreateObject("xlPrecision.cls_xlPrecision")
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True 'optional, if you want to see it.
strRet = oXlp.xlpDIVIDE(67, 89, , , , , 50)
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add
oWord.Selection.TypeText strRet
strSavePath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
"xlPrecision result.txt", _
"Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", , "Save As")
If strSavePath <> "False" Then
oDoc.SaveAs strSavePath,
MsgBox "Saved as " & strSavePath &
".", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "xlPrecision Result Saved"
MsgBox "xlPrecision result not
saved.", _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Not Saved"
End If
oDoc.Close False
Set oDoc = Nothing
Set oWord = Nothing
Set oXlp = Nothing
Important Note:
To maintain high precision, the return value must always be a String data type,
and never converted to any numeric data type. High precision is
lost upon any conversion to any numeric data type.
In addition, if the return value is placed into an Excel worksheet cell, that cell must be formatted as text, not general or any numeric formatting. Alternatively, a leading apostrophe can be added to the return value before returning it to a cell.
In future versions I may need to have xlPrecision detect what client is
using it and restrict random clients' usage, requiring their developers to
license it. But I'll be sure to allow
Excel's VBA to use it without restriction. Any future restriction would apply only to other
random EXEs trying to use xlPrecision, not to Excel VBA.
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As easy as 3.1415926536.